HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-10-24 - AGENDA REPORTS - CIVIC ART POLICY (2)Agenda Item: 12 CITY OF SANTA CLARITA Q:° AGENDA REPORT NEW BUSINESS 7, CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: fAl DATE: October 24, 2017 SUBJECT: CIVIC ART POLICY DEPARTMENT: Recreation, Community Services, Arts, and Open Space PRESENTER: Phil Lantis RECOMMENDED ACTION City Council approve the Civic Art Policy. BACKGROUND Artistic and cultural resources are key to the overall quality of life in a community. Civic art contributes to the economic vitality of a region by improving the quality of the environment and fostering a positive community identity. The creation of the Civic Art Program will integrate the skills of artists into capital improvement projects that will contribute to enhancing the community. The Civic Art Policy addresses Recommendation 1.3 of the Santa Clarita Arts Master Plan which states: "The City of Santa Clarita (City) should enact a percent -for -art requirement for all new public Capital Improvement Projects (CIPS)." Furthermore, Recommendation 1.3 was identified by the Arts Commission as a top priority in the 2016-17Arts Commission Work Plan, which City Council approved in September 2016. The Civic Art Policy mandates that eligible City CIPS, funded wholly or in part by the City, allocate one (1) percent of eligible project costs for the design, construction, integration, acquisition, delivery, and conservation of Civic Art, unless otherwise ordered by the City Council. The civic art allocation will represent an amount equal to one (1) percent of the cost of design services and construction of City CIPS that are; authorized by the City Council to proceed, included in the City's annual CIP budget, or another City development or CIP, as approved by the City Council. The Arts and Events division will work with the City Council, Arts Commission, City Page 1 PacketPg. 56 Manager's Office, and other City departments to identify Civic Art Projects, conservation projects, community outreach and public education efforts, and any other activities anticipated to be undertaken in the upcoming fiscal year. An Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee will be established at the beginning of each new Civic Art project and will develop the call for artists and make recommendations to the Arts Commission and City Council on the artist/concept for each Civic Art Project. The Civic Art Policy was developed to achieve the following goals: • Enhance the quality of life of the residents of the City through the creation of an improved physical and cultural environment • Provide leadership in the development of high quality civic spaces • Enhance City spaces for constituents and staff • Expand the economic vitality of the City through increased property values and new cultural tourism opportunities • Provide access to artistic experiences of the highest caliber for residents of the City • Acknowledge the skills and creativity of artists, which are key to the success of such a program The Civic Art Policy was reviewed and approved by the Arts Commission on September 14, 2017, with a recommendation to forward the policy to the City Council for approval. ALTERNATIVE ACTION Other action as determined by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT No immediate fiscal impact. Future Capital Improvement Project budgets will be impacted by adopting the policy. ATTACHMENTS Santa Clarita Civic Art Policy Page 2 Packet Pg. 57 The City of Santa Clarita Arts Commission Civic Art Policy October 24, 2017 12.a Packet Pg. 58 CITY OF SANTA CLARITA CIVIC ART POLICY TABLE OF CONTENTS POLICY L PURPOSE page 3 IL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES page 3 III. CIVIC ART POLICY page 3 IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF CIVIC ART PROJECTS page 4 V. DEFINITIONS page 5 VI. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY DEPARTMENTS page 7 2 12.a Packet Pg. 59 12.a I.PURPOSE Artistic and cultural resources are key to the overall quality of life in a community. Civic Art contributes significantly to the economic vitality of a region by improving the quality of the environment and fostering a positive community identity. Historically, artists have helped shape the great civic projects of other eras, from the federal monuments of our capital to the community treasures of the Works Projects Administration. The creation of the City of Santa Clarita Civic Art Program will integrate the skills of artists into capital improvement projects, enhancing the City of Santa Clarita (City) for those who live here now and contributing to the creation of a legacy for generations to come. II. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Civic Art Program has the following goals: • To enhance the quality of life of the residents of the City through the creation of an improved physical and cultural environment; • To provide leadership in the development of high quality civic spaces; • To enhance City spaces for constituents and staff; • To expand the economic vitality of the City through increased property values and new cultural tourism opportunities; • To provide access to artistic experiences of the highest caliber for the residents of the City; and • To acknowledge the skills and creativity of artists, which are key to the success of such a program. Specific objectives include: • To enhance the quality of selected City Capital Improvement Projects through the incorporation of the skills of artists; • To encourage innovative approaches to Civic Art; • To integrate artists into the planning and design process at the earliest possible opportunity; • To ensure access and the equitable distribution of commissions between local, regional, and national artists that are representative of diverse backgrounds; • To document, archive, preserve and conserve City -owned artworks; and • To provide the public with information about Civic Art Projects. III. CIVIC ART POLICY The Civic Art Policy mandates that eligible City Capital Improvement Projects, funded wholly or in part by the City, allocate I% of eligible project costs for the design, construction, integration, acquisition, delivery, and conservation of Civic Art, unless otherwise ordered by the City Council. The Civic Art Allocation will represent an amount equal to I% of the cost of design services and construction of City Capital Improvement Projects that are: Packet Pg. 60 Authorized by the City Council to proceed; Included in the City's annual Capital Improvement Projects budget; or Another City development or Capital Improvement Project, as approved by the City Council. If use of all, or a portion, of a project's funding is prohibited by the funding source for the purposes of the Civic Art Program, the Civic Art Allocation will reflect only that portion of the funding that is eligible for application to the Civic Art Program. For capital projects over $100 million in eligible funds, the Civic Art Allocation will not exceed $1 million. The Arts and Events division's budget for staffing, contract project managers, if needed, and other expenses associated with the administration of the Civic Art Program will be funded annually by the City Manager's Office in accordance with the annual budget process. The amount allocated for administration will be based on the number of City Capital Improvement Projects and anticipated workload for the upcoming fiscal year. IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF CIVIC ART PROJECTS The Arts and Events division will work with the City Council, the Arts Commission, the City Manager's Office, and other City departments to identify Civic Art Projects, conservation projects, community outreach and public education efforts, and any other activities anticipated to be undertaken in the upcoming fiscal year. An Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee will be established at the beginning of each new Civic Art project and will develop the Call for Artists and will make recommendations to the Arts Commission and City Council on the artist/concept for each Civic Art Project. The Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee, which will be chaired by the representative of the Arts Commission and facilitated by an Arts and Events division staff person, will meet to review and approve the following: • Artist selection. Artists will be selected for each new Civic Art Project through the methods described in the Public Art Planning and Selection Process plan adopted by the City Council on September 27, 2016. The artist's proposals at the conceptual andfinal design phases. Generally the conceptual design review will take place as part of the artist selection process. After comments are received at each phase, Arts and Events division staff will work with the artist to refine the design. If the artist is not in agreement with the Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations, Arts and Events division staff will mediate discussions to arrive at a consensus among all parties. In each case, if revisions are called for, the revised conceptual or final design will be presented to the Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee for approval. • Proposed alterations to the final design. The artist's contract will contain language specifying that no change to the approved final design may take place without written permission from the City. 0 12.a Packet Pg. 61 12.a • Plans for the dedication and unveiling of the facility. These include placement of appropriate informational signage at the project site, the inclusion of the artist and information regarding the artwork at any unveiling ceremonies or community outreach events associated with the dedication of the new facility. The Civic Art Policy will be reviewed and updated by the City Council on an as -needed basis. The procedures which guide implementation of the Civic Art Policy will be updated by Arts and Events division staff in collaboration with the City Manager's Office, and based on the advice of the City of Santa Clarita Arts Commission. V. DEFINITIONS Artist means a person who has established a reputation of artistic excellence in the visual, performing, or literary arts, as judged by peers, through a record of exhibitions, public c}i commissions, sale of works, and/or educational attainment. Generally an artist is not a member 0 of an architectural firm or internal staff person, such as a graphic artist, but at the direction of the a City Council or the City Manager funds for this program can be utilized to compensate these individuals for work completed for art pieces. U Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee is a committee established at the beginning of each new v Civic Art Project that will participate in the project from artist selection through dedication. Each committee will include one Arts Commissioner, one professional public artist or art expert, o one professional arts administrator or art expert, one local professional artist, and one community a r member, as detailed in the Public Art Planning and Selection Process plan. The committee will also include the Arts and Events Division Project Manager and a representative(s) from the City 2 Department responsible for the Capital Improvement Project that the Civic Art Project is v associated with. The staff members will not be voting members of the committee. R Arts and Events Division Project Manager is the lead staff person for each Civic Art project. The project manager is responsible for facilitating the Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee, but does not vote on artist selection. Civic Art means artistic and cultural facilities, objects and amenities, whether created before or after the adoption of this policy, such as: • Sculpture: Free standing, wall supported or suspended, kinetic, electronic or mechanical in material or combination of materials; • Murals or portable paintings: In any materials or variety of materials, with or without collage or the addition of nontraditional materials and means; • Earthworks, neon, glass, mosaics, photographs, prints, calligraphy, any combination of forms of media, including sound, film, holographic, and video systems, hybrids of any media and new genres; • Standardized fixtures, such as grates, street lights, signage, and other design enhancements as rendered by an artist for unique or limited editions; • Exhibit/Performance Space: Public gallery/exhibition space, public performance spaces, public artistic studio spaces, and public art education facilities; and Packet Pg. 62 12.a • Similar facilities and amenities as determined by the City of Santa Clarita City Council; • Restoration of City -owned artworks, and restoration or replication of original decorative ornamentation and Civic Art as part of the rehabilitation of the City's historic, cultural and architectural landmarks; • Performing Arts: Theatre, dance, music, and performance art; • Literary Art: Poetry readings and storytelling; • Media Art: Film and video, screenings and installations; • Education: Lectures, presentations, and training in and about arts and culture; • Special Events: Parades, festivals, and celebrations; and • Similar arts services as approved by the City of Santa Clarita City Council. Civic Art Report means an annual report issued to the City Council as part of the annual Arts Commission Work Plan, which describes the Civic Art activities for the previous fiscal year. The report will detail new and ongoing Civic Art projects, conservation projects, community outreach v and public education efforts, and other activities undertaken during the year, as well as changes p to the Civic Art Procedures approved by the City Manager's Office. This report will also make recommendations for use of Civic Art funds in future years. U Civic Art Project Costs: U Allowable Civic Art Project Costs: The 1% Civic Art Allocation may be used to fund the following expenditures: purchase or design and fabrication of Civic Art, fees and travel expenses for artist services, transportation and installation of Civic Art, preservation, conservation, documentation, insurance, identification plaques, community workshops and other reasonable expenses associated with the initiation, development and completion of Civic Art Projects. Fees paid to a limited number of artist finalists for development of concept ideas or concept designs as part of the selection process are allowable. Fees and related expenses paid to finalists are deducted from the Civic Art Project's budget. • Allowable Civic Art Administrative Costs: The administrative budget may be used to fund the following expenditures: consultation services, panelist fees and other reasonable expenses associated with the initiation, development, completion, public education, documentation, public information and conservation of Civic Art Projects. Ineligible Civic Art Project Costs: Civic Art Allocations shall not be expended for directional elements, mass produced objects, reproductions, or for architectural elements, landscape architecture or gardening, except as they relate directly to an artist's concept for a Civic Art Project or to the preservation or conservation of City artworks. Eligible City Capital Improvement Project means any new building or facility and any expansion or refurbishment of an existing facility or system, paid for wholly or in part by funds appropriated by the City or by any other public entity for which the City Council is the governing body, with the exception of: • New or refurbishment projects with Eligible Project Costs of less than $500,000, Packet Pg. 63 12.a • Open space acquisition, • Property acquisition, • Utility fees, • Streets, • Underground projects, • Portable trailers, • Technical equipment or structures acquired at a set price through a purchase order, • Flood control channels, • Paving, • Residential projects or project components, and • The portion of partnership projects that are not funded by the City. Eligible Project Costs used to calculate the Civic Art Allocation means the estimated cost of design services and construction at the time of adoption of the budget on Eligible City Capital v J Improvement Projects. a Refurbishment means the reconfiguration of a facility or system or a portion of a facility or system that is included in the City's Capital Improvement Project budget which does not increase g the gross square footage of facilities. For the purposes of this policy, refurbishment projects do v not include repairs, maintenance, or installation or replacement of building systems or furniture. VI. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY DEPARTMENTS This section is intended to serve as a guide for all City entities involved in the delivery of the City Civic Art Program. These roles and responsibilities will foster clear communication and effective implementation of the program. It is crucial for the success of this program that the Civic Art process works in conjunction with the Capital Improvement Project process, and that the development of the art pieces does not impact the timing and successful completion of the associated Capital Improvement Projects. City of Santa Clarita City Council A. Receive and approve the annual Civic Art Report, as part of the Arts Commission Work Plan. B. Receive and approve recommendations from the Arts Commission on Civic Art Policy changes. C. Work with the City Manager's Office to determine the applicability of Civic Art to proposed new or refurbishment projects and in developing the annual Civic Art Project and administrative budget. D. Approve the annual City budget, which includes allocation of funding for Civic Art projects. E. Review recommendations from the Arts Commission for each project's selected artist and concept. Packet Pg. 64 12.a City of Santa Clarita Arts Commission A. Recommend policy and procedure changes to the Civic Art Program. These recommendations must be approved by the City Council for changes to the policy and the City Manager's Office for the procedures to implement the Civic Art Policy. B. Select an Arts Commissioner to serve as the Chair for each Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee. C. Select two Commissioners to serve on the Public Art Subcommittee. D. Develop, in conjunction with Arts and Events division staff, the annual Civic Art Report as part of the Arts Commission Work Plan. Arts and Events Division A. Provide oversight and coordination for all aspects of the Civic Art Program and its c}i projects in conjunction with the City Council, the Arts Commission, the City Manager's :i Office, and other City departments. a a B. Develop and carry out Civic Art Projects in conjunction with the capital improvement project programming and design schedule, with the goal of minimizing construction and j scheduling impacts. v C. Mutually cooperate with the City Council, the Arts Commission, the City Manager's Office, and other City departments to determine when Civic Art Projects are initiated. D. Administer the Civic Art Program, including the development and presentation of budgetary recommendations regarding consultant costs and other reasonable expenses associated with the administration of the Civic Art Program. E. Document and archive historic City artworks and new Civic Art Projects into the City Civic Art Inventory. Electronic and hard -copy data on artworks includes but is not limited to, artist information, fabrication information, contracts, construction drawings, maintenance instructions, press coverage, an assessment of the condition of each work, a plan for conservation and repair, if applicable, and visual documentation. F. Maintain the City Civic Art Inventory and make it accessible to City staff and the public through regular website updates. Issue an updated report on the Inventory to the Arts Commission at least once every three years. G. Make the Civic Art Program accessible to the public through the SantaClaritaArts.com website, technical assistance workshops, media outreach, and other outreach activities as appropriate. H. Determine the acceptance of gifts, long-term loans of artwork, and loans of City -owned artwork to other organizations or institutions, based on recommendations of the Arts Commission's Public Art Subcommittee. Packet Pg. 65 12.a L Convene Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee meetings, provide regular updates to the Committee throughout the course of the project and document key decisions and approvals. Negotiate, execute, and administer contracts with artists and other vendors and approve invoices and other payments arising out of these contracts. K. Advise the City Manager's Office of upcoming contracts that will be encumbered in the Capital Improvement Projects budget. L. Monitor each Civic Art Program budget, and ensure that funds are being expended in accordance with the approved budget parameters. M. Assist staff from the department responsible for the associated Capital Improvement c}i Project in the resolution of any issues or differences regarding the project art component, :i and review and approve all plans and bid documents as they pertain to the a implementation of the Civic Art Program. N. Work with the City Manager's Office and other City departments to develop j methodologies for integrating Civic Art into the design/build process. v O. Convene and facilitate public meetings, as needed for the implementation of the Civic Art Program and/or specific projects and provide feedback from meetings. P. Oversee the maintenance and conservation of existing artworks, in conjunction with the City Council, the Arts Commission, the City Manager's Office, and other City departments. Q. Provide written maintenance instructions to other City departments upon completion of every new Civic Art Project and conservation or repair of existing artworks. R. Work with the Public Art Subcommittee of the Arts Commission, to: • Make recommendations on Civic Art Program projects; • Advise and provide recommendations to the Arts Commission on Civic Art Program policies and procedures; • Recommend members for the Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committees; and • Ensure equal access for project consideration to all qualified artists. S. Recommend revisions in the Civic Art Policy at least every five years to the City Council, Arts Commission, and City Manager's Office. City Manager's Office A. Inform Arts and Events division staff of new capital or refurbishment projects at the conclusion of the programming phase to allow for adequate review and planning, to Packet Pg. 66 12.a determine which projects might benefit from the inclusion of Civic Art and to ensure that Civic Art Projects are fully integrated into the Capital Improvement Project process beginning in the design phase. B. Work with Arts and Events division staff, the City Council, the Arts Commission, and other City departments to determine the applicability of Civic Art to proposed new or refurbishment projects and in developing the annual Civic Art Project and administrative budgets. C. Calculate and present proposed Civic Art Allocations for each capital project throughout the year as new projects are considered. D. Transfer Civic Art Allocations to the appropriate City budget, along with other Capital Improvement Project budget transfers, during the major budget actions throughout the v fiscal year. 0 a E. Advise Arts and Events division staff of any City Council actions, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, or limitations on funding sources that may affect a specific project. j U Other City Departments >. These roles and responsibilities apply to any department that has the lead on the Capital Improvement Project for which the Civic Art Project is associated. A. Coordinate the Civic Art Program components for new or refurbishment projects with the Arts and Events Division Project Manager, ensuring that selected artists are fully integrated into the project design process for all new or refurbishment projects with a Civic Art component. B. Work with Arts and Events division staff, the City Council, the Arts Commission, and the City Manager's Office in determining the applicability of Civic Art to proposed Capital Improvement Projects. C. Notify the Arts and Events division staff in writing of all Capital Improvement Projects whose programming phase has been completed. Include in the written notification an estimate of the Civic Art Allocation or notice that the project is exempt from the allocation with indication of reason for exemption. D. At the beginning of each project's design phase, work with the Arts and Events division staff to brief the artist(s) on the project's goals, opportunities, and constraints. E. With the Arts and Events Division Project Manager, establish a timeline for the development of the Civic Art component that is consistent with the Capital Improvement Project's timeline. The timeline will identify specific milestones for review and set the 10 Packet Pg. 67 12.a requirements for completion of the successive stages of conceptual design, final design, fabrication, and installation. F. Provide the Arts and Events Division Project Manager with art component submittals at all phases for review and approval. G. With assistance of the Arts and Events Division Project Manager, resolve differences that may arise regarding project art components. Refer differences that cannot be resolved to the City Manager's Office. H. Designate a representative to serve on the Artist Selection Ad Hoc Committee, as a non- voting member. Other City Divisions c}i J A. Provide advice and direction to Arts and Events division staff about the identified Civic a Art Program projects. B. Share knowledge and expertise in key areas in the development process of each Civic Art j Project, such as applicable building and safety, planning, traffic safety, risk/insurance, v and financial rules and regulations. >. 11 Packet Pg. 68